“Cells at Work! CODE BLACK” is a manga series written by Shigemitsu Harada and illustrated by Issei Hatsuyoshiya. It’s a spin-off of the original “Cells at Work!” series, portraying the activities of cells within the human body, but with a darker and more serious tone.
The story is set within an overworked and unhealthy human body, akin to a “black company” (a Japanese term for exploitative workplaces). The narrative follows a rookie red blood cell and veteran white blood cells as they work tirelessly in this harsh environment. Factors like stress, overwork, poor diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption continually trigger various disorders and illnesses within the body, forcing the cells to contend with increasingly harsh working conditions. Red blood cells collapse from exhaustion, and white blood cells constantly face the risk of death from overwork as they fight infections and pathogens.
The main character, a rookie red blood cell, is proud of his job of transporting oxygen, but he gradually becomes physically and mentally worn out by the extreme demands. Alongside a female white blood cell, he battles bacteria, viruses, and a range of bodily afflictions. The portrayal of health issues is particularly serious and realistic, with episodes addressing serious conditions such as arteriosclerosis, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, and even cancer.
Compared to the original “Cells at Work!” series, “Cells at Work! CODE BLACK” carries a heavier, more realistic tone, shedding light on the risks of poor lifestyle habits. It’s an entertaining series but also serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.